Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back To Work…

It’s been a while since I have put some work up on here; well here I present to you two pieces of work, a Movie Poster and a Company Magazine ad.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

DMCC Drift Mania

What is Drift Mania you ask?, well is a sport that cars are drifting around a track to get as close as you can to a clipping point, and they must make sure there speed is fast and there car is sideways while keeping from spinning there car out and not only the speed but making the sharp corners and making sure your transfers are excellent., NOT only is there drifting but there is show cars and show girls. Below is a picture of a customized BMW.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



“Well Well Well” , I bet all of you are like what :S , well there finally on the beast…
All of you are still lost.. I would be too. Well lets just get to the point.
I finally got 22” rims on the beast. (truck) , they look amazing I am not even gunna lie. Here is a picture of them…

T.C.P –signing out- …updated from mobile…

Friday, August 1, 2008

Count Down !!!!!!! 27 DAYS

Well the count down has started…27 Days!....

In 27 days there will be a huge camping trip, I mean a huge camping gathering.
This camping gathering goes on every year at the Perry Sound KOA. This camping campground is packed every year! This Long weekend is the weekend of the Perry Sound Rock Crawl… You are probably thinking what the heck is that :S, well I will tell you.. BIG JEEPS made to crawl over almost imposable rocks and hills that you probably think is imposable to ever try to climb. Well my Kraft diner is ready :-D,

T.C.P. Signing out…